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2018: Khosla national Award in Science and Humanities
2017: CDRI award 2017 for excellence in drug research
2016: Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award for Science and Technology (Biological Sciences), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
2016: National Bioscience Award 2015, Department of Biotechnology,Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
2015: DST Swarnajayanti Fellowship (2014-2015) awarded by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
2015: NASI-Scopus Young Scientist Award (IndiaBioscience)
2015: Membership of the Guha Research Conference (GRC)
2014: Honorable Prize for high quality Oral Presentation in the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) 2014 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2010: Associate, Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore
2009: Young Researcher Award from Lady Tata Memorial Trust
2008: WellcomeTrust, London International Senior Research Fellowship
2007: Career Development Award from HFSPO
2004: HFSPO and EMBL Long-term Fellowship, Long-term postdoctoral fellowship from European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and International Human Frontier of Science Program Organization (HFSPO)
2004: INSA Young Scientist Award, Given by Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi
2004: AAAS/Science Young Scientist Award given by American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS), the publisher of Science and GE Healthcare

Dr.Suvendra N.Bhattacharyya


2014: Best oral presentation (Topic: Intercellular Transfer of miR-122 and a Reciprocal anti- miR-122 Signal controls Human Hepatic Cell Growth) at “2nd Annual CSIR-IICB Research Festival”.
2014: Best poster presentation award (Topic: Insulin like Growth Factor-1 prevents miR-122 production in neighbouring cells to curtail its intercellular transfer and to ensure proliferation of human hepatoma cells) at the ‘7th RNA Group Meeting 2014’.

Sudarshana Basu


2020: INSA Young Scientist Award
2017: RNA Society Travel Grant
2016: EMBL Advanced Training Centre Corporate Partnership Programme Fellowship in the form of a meeting registration fee waiver in the EMBO | EMBL Symposia: The Complex Life of mRNA, at EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.
2015: Best Poster Award in the SBC-Kolkata Chapter at CSIR-IICB, Kolkata, 2014.
2014: EMBL Travel Fellowship in the EMBO | EMBL Symposia: The Complex Life of mRNA, at EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.

Kamalika Mukherjee


2016: EMBL Travel Grant (Registration Fee + Travel stipend) : for attending "THE EMBO MEETING 2016" Mannheim, Germany.

Yogaditya Chakrabarty


2019: NASI Young Scientist Award
2019: INSA Young Scientist Award 2019

2016: BEST POSTER AWARD for poster presentation (topic: TARGET DEPENDENT BIOGENESIS OF COGNATE miRNAs IN HUMAN CELLS: An approach towards gene manipulation) at Inauguration of CSIR-IICB TRUE campus.

2016: Awarded BEST ORAL PRESENTATION (Topic: Target dependent biogenesis of cognate miRNAs in human cells) at the 8th RNA Group Meeting, CCMB, Hyderabad.

2010: Qualified the CSIR-SPMF (Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship) with rank 2nd.

Mainak Bose


2018: RNA Society Travel Grant
2016: Awarded the prestigious Raman-Charpak Fellowship (Indo-France exchange program) for the year 2016

Bartika Ghoshal


2016: Awarded second position for Poster at 'Indo-Brazil Symposium on Biochemistry of Kinetoplastid Parasites', CSIR-IICB, Kolkata

Avijit Goswami


2018:  International Embo Travel Grant" to attend the ASCB|EMBO 2018 Meeting at San Diego,CA
2017: Awarded the Best Oral presentation at the International Conference on Neurodegenerative disorders: current and future perspective

Dipayan De


2019: Best Oral Presentation Award at All India Congress of Genetics and Genomics

Diptankar Bandopadhyay

Awards: Testimonials

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