RNA Biology Research Laboratory
Molecular Genetics Division
CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
4, Raja S.C.Mullick Road, Kolkata-32,India
Ph: +91-33-24995783
Fax: +91-33-2473-5197
suvendra@iicb.res.in, sb@csiriicb.in




Research at RNA Biology Research Laboratory is concentrated on identification of novel gene regulatory mechanisms operating in mammalian cells that are primarily executed by small regulatory RNA- the microRNA. We explore the mechanisms that regulate microRNAs levels and activities in mammalian immune, neuronal and cancer cells. The major goal of our research is to identify the machineries that either by regulating the intra and extracellular transport of microRNAs or by modifying microRNA interacting proteins affects the microRNA function in mammalian cells. Contributions of subcelluar structures and organelles in compartmentalization of miRNAs biogenesis, function and turnover in mammalian cells is also explored under this research aim. Alteration in miRNA-machinery upon exposure of mammalian cells to pathogens and its implications in the disease process is the other major thrust area of our research.

Science Day 2019
PM Narendra Modi conferring the SS Bhatnagar Award to Dr. Bhattacharyya on 28.02.2019

Dr. S.N.Bhattacharyya receives the prestigious Swarnajayanti Fellowship

Dr. Mainak Bose gets INSA Young Scientist Award 2019

Dr. Kamalika Mukherjee gets the INSA Young Scientist Award 2020

Dr.S.N.Bhattacharyya receives Nasi-Scopus Young Scientist award.2015 in biological sciences category

RBRL makes it to JCS cover page!

Dr. Bhattacharyya conferred the Khosla excellence award in Science 2018
